Monday, November 27, 2006

My little boy and other weekend stuff

We got brother a twin size bed this weekend! I can't belive he's out of his crib, where did the time go? Yes, I know he's 3 and should probably have been out of his crib long ago, but hey, he's my baby, you know? He loves his bed though. We put some John Deere stickers on the headboard. He's all about John Deere you know.

He slept all night Saturday night but MAN! Was he grumpy the next day, I guess he didn't sleep very well or something. He cried all through Sunday school and a lot after church. He took a 2 hour nap when we got home!

We got to see an old friend this weekend. He was down to visit family for Thanksgiving so he stopped by the house. It was good to see him, haven't seen him for a few years. We were all such good friend in high school. He brought beer, took husband out and got him a little buzzed, then they came back to the house and he got to see the kids. Of course sis knocked over his can of beer on the new carpet!! Yikes! All was well, no stain.

We had a great Thanksgiving holiday! It went by too fast though the 4 days just flew by and now it's back to work. Blah!


Terri said...

Friends of ours are John Deere Happy. He's a big farmer back home and their daughter has some very sweet ornaments in her room.

Robin said...

Ooh, he'd have loved the place we stumbled across a few weeks ago. It was some kind of John Deere distributor/garage/something or other, but with giant glass walls and loads of big green machines to look at :). Glad to hear he's loving his new bed.

Robin said...

Hey, how come I don't have a cool picture like Terri does *pout*?