Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy Spring!

The rain has finally stopped! Hallelujah! We've had probably 7-8 inches of rain in the last week or so. It's soooo wet outside.

But today the sun is shining, the wind is NOT blowing, the grass is growing, the birds are singing, the bugs are swarming. Oh wait, we don't like bugs. But the rest is awesome!

The kids and I were outside today and I hid some eggs for them to hunt. Brother was so cute, every time he saw and egg he got so excited! After they found them all Sister decided she needed to hide them. We're still missing two eggs LOL I figure husband will find them when he mows. They were plastic eggs, btw.

Check out my cake I made last night. My first attempt at cake decorating solo. I've helped my mom before but I did this one myself. Not too bad. I see lots of stuff I should have done differently but it's still cute I think.

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