Sunday, December 24, 2006

A to Z

A is for age: 35
B is for Beer: Yuck! No thanks
C is for Career: Insurance agent
D is for my Dog's Name: Don't have a dog
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: Toothbrush
F is for Favorite T.V. Show: The Office, My Name is Earl, Scrubs
G is for Favorite Game: ??? Not really in to games. Huntsville is a fun computer game
H is for Hometown: Same town I live by now, no names please
I is for Instruments I Play: Radio
J is for Favorite Juice: Not really in to juice, I guess Orange
K is for Whose Butt I'd Like To Kick: Varies by the day, usually something to do with work
L is for the Last Place I Ate: At my computer desk
M is for Marriage: will be 16 years in March
N is for my Name: Kim
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Birth of both kids
P is for People I was With Today: Husband, kids, people at church
Q is for Quote: "People with out the internet should have their kids taken away" Peggy Hill LOL
R is for Biggest Regret: Not going in to talk to my granddad the last time I was at his house before he died. :(
S is for Sport: To watch--Pro football. To play: none!
T is for Time I Woke Up Today: 8 ish
U is for Current Underwear: White granny panties
V is for Vegetable You Love: Homegrown tomatoes
W is for Worst Habit: Procrastinating
X is for X-rays I Have Had: I think I had one when I was a kid. They thought I broke my nose (I didn't)
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today: Confetti Scalloped Potatoes made by Husband
Z is for Zodiac: Virgo

Thanks Robin! That was fun!

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