Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Swimsuit in December

Have you ever tried to find a swimsuit in December? It's not easy! I'm looking for a new suit since we go to Hawaii in about a month. (insert freaking out sounds here) and my old suit is kind of worn out. I'm looking online but am too cheap to pay $60 for a suit. A friend of mine insists I need a tankini since it's easier to deal with if you have to go pee while you are wearing it. I can see her point but I'm FAT! Do I really need to wear a tankini? She says they cover you really well and no one would notice but I'm still a little leary.

But then I think heck, I'll never see those people again so why worry. But then I remember we are going with a group. I'll be seeing some of them again and I don't want to be "that fat lady" they all talk about at the next trip.

Now if I can just convince husband he will be looked at if he DOESN'T wear shorts and possible sandals on the beach. He will be "that guy" if he wears his usual jeans and boots right? LOL

Sigh. It's too much to think about now. I'll just have to make myself NOT think about it til after Christmas.


Terri said...

I have a tankini and love it, for the reasons you mentioned above. My bottom though is a skirt, which hides some of my dimples.

Hubster used to be the jeans and boots guy too. Now he wears shorts.....too much!

Robin said...

I don't think a good (read: for real people, not emaciated 14 yr old models) tankini would show anything more than a one piece... Lands End is usually good for that sort of stuff, but they are a bit spendy. I've found that their stuff holds up well though. (Can't vouch for the swimsuits though. I live near the Gottex outlet so no reason to buy a swimsuit by mail!)