Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day two also a success!

I made it up again this morning to workout!! And it was hard, it was freezing in our house and I just wanted to crawl even deeper under the covers but I didn't. I got up and got going!! Woo-hoo for me! I guess I got warm by getting my blood pumping.

It got down in the mid thirites last night so it was freaking cold in our house. We turned the heater off.....hello! it's the end of April, it's not supposed to be cold. We were even under a frost advisory last night but at least all I have planted in my garden is onions. I don't think the frost would hurt the onions. Now a freeze that's a different story but a frost should be ok.

And in other exciting news.....I'm getting a haircut tomorrow!!! The first time I've had my hair cut since October. It's long. And shapeless. And long. I don't mind the length in the back it's the stupid bangs past my chin that I can't stand.

This is me in February...

This is me now....

So you can see how much it's grown in a few months. And embarassingly enough I believe I have the same shirt on. LOL I guess I need to go shopping.

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