Well, I posted a while back about trying to go a week without spending any unnecessary money. I did great that week and ok the next but completely went off the deep end the weeks after that. Any my bank account shows it. So, I'm trying again. Starting tomorrow I'm going this next week without spending any money. Except essentials of course. And no, stopping at the golden arches is not an essential no matter how hungry I am LOL. My bowl of cereal at home will work just fine, thank you.
I'm also trying to get back on my workout routine. I did great then slowed down then quit all together. Huh, that's the story of my life on most things. But I just did a workout and have changed my alarm in the morning so I can get up and do it first thing. We'll see how that goes. I hate with the intensity of a thousand suns getting up early. And early to me is before.....oh, say....9 LOL That doesn't work out most days as I have to be at work at 9. But on the weekends oh how I love to sleep in! And thank God I was blessed with kids that also love to sleep in. Also a husband that gets up "early" and lets me sleep in on Saturday.
I really do love him. Sometimes he drives me up the wall but listening to someone I know talk to her husband on the phone the other day just made me appreciate my hubby even more. Her husband is an arrogant jerk and I really can't stand him.
Anyway, wish me luck on my money purging or fasting I guess you could call it. It's a cleanse for money instead of food.
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