Thursday, May 28, 2009

The great summer chicken experiment of 2009

I recently bought a chicken cook book. As it sounds it has only chicken recipes in it...we eat a lot of chicken.

I told Mallory to go through the cookbook and mark all the recipes she thought sounded and looked good. I love this cookbook because it has a picture of every recipe...very helpful to someone like me.

Anyway, she picked about 15 recipes and we will be trying most of them this summer. She decided that we would go to the list after we tried them and mark if we liked them or not. :) means we love it. :( means we hate it and :| means meh, we didn't love it or hate it.

I've made two so far. The first one got a hearty "meh" from everyone! It was OK but not great. I probably won't be making it again. The second one got a huge :) "YUMMMM" from everyone. It was grilled chicken and it was so good, it was a keeper!

I will try to get the recipes posted later, hopefully by tomorrow. I will try to post the recipes and results as we go along.

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