Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Feeling lost

I've been feeling weird all day. I finally pinpointed the feeling. Lost. Like half my body has been ripped away. Like I'm missing a limb. Lonely and lost.

I miss him so much. I lived with him in my life for 23 years and it's been 24 days without him. I think it's finally starting to sink in. First few days and even weeks I was just numb. I couldn't believe that this had happened. I still can't believe it. I feel like it can't be real, I should be waking up any minute and then I can cry and tell him about my nightmare. He can hold me while I cry and I can feel his arms around me while he tells me he would never leave me and that he loves me forever.

The more days go by the more I have to realize this is real and it's forever. God, I miss him so much. I love you Wes.


Unobserved said...

Even as a stranger, I wish I could help shoulder your pain.

Terri said...

Ah Kim, I wish we were closer. ((HUG))